
The lyrics of our most beloved poets set to original orchestral scores.

Meant to be performed together, a sense of unity is achieved through melodic narrative,
in counterpoint with diverse musical means.

This is a life work, that has passionate roots deep in the Lieder of Schubert and Schumann.

Be sure to check our orchestral setting to
Clare Harner's Immortality. The poem has finally been
properly attributed to her by new scholarly research.
Tap here for Immortality .


Here are the works in the cycle recorded to date:

Edgar Allan Poe

The Waking
Theodore Roethke

The Poison Tree
William Blake

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
William Wordsworth

Christina Georgina Rossetti

Robert Louis Stevenson

Song of the Wave
Kahlil Gibran

The Dole of the King's Daughter
Oscar Wilde

The Flight
Sara Teasdale

Hie Away, Hie Away
Walter Scott

Walter de la Mare

William Ernest Henley

We are working on Volume II of the Song Cycle.

Tap below to have a look and listen at our
"In the Works"studio.

A Brief History of the Song Cycle

A song cycle is a collection of songs designed to be performed in sequence. Generally, all of the songs are by the same composer, with lyrics from one or more poets. Unity is achieved by narrative or common theme, often underlined by musical means. The term originated to describe cycles of art songs or German Lieder.

The first generally accepted example of a song cycle is Beethoven's An die ferne Geliebte (1816). The genre was firmly established by the cycles of Schubert: his Die schöne Müllerin (1823) and Winterreise (1827), based on poems by Wilhelm Müller, are among his most greatly admired works.

Schumann's great cycles include Dichterliebe, Frauenliebe, Liederkreis and the Kerner Lieder. Brahms composed settings of verses from Ludwig Tieck's novel Magelone, and performances usually include connecting narration. He also wrote Vier ernste Gesänge. Mahler's Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Kindertotenlieder, and Das Lied von der Erde expanded the accompaniment from piano to orchestra.

Wolf made the composition of song collections by a single poet something of a speciality although only the shorter Italian Songbook and Spanish Songbook are performed at a single sitting. Das Buch der hängenden Gärten by Schoenberg and Krenek's Reisebuch are important 20th century examples, and the tradition is carried on by Wolfgang Rihm.

Berlioz's Les nuits d'été (1841) pioneered the use of the orchestra, and the French cycle reached a pinnacle in Fauré's La bonne chanson, La chanson d'Ève and L'horizon chimérique and later in the works of Poulenc.

The first English song cycle was Sullivan's The Song of the Wrens (1871), to a text of eleven poems by Tennyson. Benjamin Britten also wrote cycles including The Holy Sonnets and Winter Words. Other examples include Vaughan Williams' Songs of Travel, Barber's Hermit Songs (1953) and Songfest and Hammarskjöld Portrait (1974) by Leonard Bernstein. Ariel (1971) by Ted Rorem is a modern 5 song cycle.

Mussorgsky wrote Sunless (1874), The Nursery and Songs and Dances of Death, and Shostakovich wrote cycles on English and Yiddish poets.

Du Midi's A Song Cycle of Love and Death is a thematic work with lyrics from many beloved poets.

Elizaveta de la Roche
Mont-de-Marsan, Aquitaine





Please submit below poems and/or poets for our attention. We are always looking for beautiful poems to set to music. No living poets please, thank you!